Sunday, December 9, 2007

Blog transfer from

I am having trouble checking up on Ilearn. I guess we are not using it as much.
I would like to view others blogs but am having trouble logging on. I think I have password and site name correct. I may have to check again with someone.

I really appreciated everyone's presentations the other week. If I could only put my stuff online- Dave's wiki had just about everything. Today I will be investivating forums and php. Tomorrow I will try to fully mockup what I plan.
I'll have to dredge up some of my minimal Flash knowledge. I hope to at least have a mock up of what I am creating.
I won't feel so bad about not having a product yet as that is what I'm doing for the pool is creating this website so I will see it realized eventually. What has been great is learning about all the possibilities with web 2.0. This is the interactive communication that the company needs. I have the surveys to prove it. Its the proprietory issue that concerns me. Will I have a lot to maintain? I have decided Moodle is not appropriate for that reason.
My other big hold up was getting the video tutorials compressed for an intranet site. Hopefully, I will be able to put it together now. I am hoping the new Imovie 08 with its codecs for compression for the web will solve my problem.

I will try to redo my Second Life Power Point into a Quicktime so I can post it on my blog. Unless anyone has a faster idea.
At the moment I think I will have to redo it in Keynote as I know it has an export to quicktime option. Maybe I should investigate ppt. more. I also heard that Google docs presentation loads nicely into Blogger. So I will have to investigate that as well. So much technology and so little time.

Posted by Toni Itec 830 at 2:48 PM 0 comments

Friday , December 7, 2007 transfer

Friday, December 7, 2007
Second Life

I could have posted a lot on this one. I think Second Life is interesting in a creative geeky kind of way.
I had so many problems with orientation. It didn't help that I have practically no gaming experience or Multiuser online
gibberish experience. I can see that their is a great creative force involved in this and that is about the only thing that kept me from quitting. Oh that and a grade.
I will have to abandon my avatar and create a new account to learn some of the things I missed. I still have the official users guide I bought from B&N at a dear price. I still recomend it for oldie/newbies like me.

Posted by Toni Itec 830 at 9:25 PM 0 comments

Wrong blog

I've got two blogs out there and I am posting to both accidentally. I will try to transfer some stuff now.
Wednesday, November 7, 2007
Project Management

I very much enjoyed the speaker on project management. It's quite a dance he does and I can see the inevitable challenges but the beauty in it as well. When I was in production management in the jewelry industry, it was much the same only the projects were orders and they never stopped coming and were always the same. Education, however, is much more meaningful and interesting.
My project with the swim school has the potential to allow me to learn just about everything in instructional design. I have made the instructional video and I am now designing and implementing professional development 1:1 with the teachers, next I hope to be creating the employee intranet website and now I hear I will be creating instruction for their office and computer based applications which will require a different style of instruction and learning new software. It's a gold mine of experience if I can manage the micro-managing family politics that a fast growing family business can have.
The intranet employee website I am undertaking has all sorts of web 2.0 potential if I can only learn it fast enough.

Posted by Toni Itec 830 at 7:30 AM 0 comments

Thursday, October 18, 2007


Just read chapter 5 of The Design of Everyday Things.
It's all about mistakes.
I didn't know that there is even particular jargon.
A slip or a mistake.
Slips are more forgivable presumably because its only lack of attention whereas
a mistake is blowing it big time. Poor decision making.

I'm finding that I'm looking at everthing with a little more thought to design.
What I liked about the reading is that error is unavoidable and therefore must consciously be considered in design.
I know that I knew that but I bet that it is very often overlooked especially by designers who are very close to the project such as subject matter experts.

I will have to keep this in mind on my GAP project and at my work.
See ya

Thursday, October 11, 2007

PEW Report on Teens and Technology

Everyday thing

I found one by accident! It was so perfect. No visability. I think the affordances also played a part. I was trained or lulled into a certain mind-set and couldn't figure out how to do it. I had to give it to my son who figured it out more quickly because he hadn't been conditioned as I was. Or else, he's just smarter or a net gener.
I will bring my "thang" to class. I want to test this out on others. I felt like I was caught in the doors.
Picture later.


I have really enjoyed rading the Whole New Mind. I feel validated. Vindicated. I've had the pleasure? of having my right brain pounded into a wall. No MBA here. Finally, the attributes I've always felt were gifts and not defects as others thought are getting some street cred. Ironically, these proclivities of mine have been valued by others in not so obvious ways. I am so happy to have been born into this time to see this. My mother never did. My aunt figured out a way to make it work and my dad played both sides but I think his right-brain talents are what set him apart.
I was also heartened to read about dyslexics. I own two so it's good to see that they are in style if they so shoose. I've also taught quite a few right brainers and parents have often told me that I was one teacher who valued their student's gifts. Soon those kids will be calling the shots and they'll remember.

I've got two blogs out there!

I'm having to retype as I posted to the wrong blog. Catch-up here.
After the video report on Pew, I was hesitant to blog until after I debriefed with my partners and got the darn thing done.
After that, I guess, I just didn't get back. I appreciate everyones efforts in this assignment. I really liked Rich and Saturated.
The piece was good in part because they had so much fun with it. I'd like to know the recipe. I felt stressed. Well, why not after reading the wrong article. I probably could find out their secret if I just read their blogs.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

How Public

After reading the two articles on Blogging, I still feel uneasy about blogging.
In the second article about blogging in education, I was reminded of a discovery I made both as second grade teacher and as a parent.
Children's lives are so public today. Chidren are so over scheduled with highly organized, usually competetive, activities.
In sports activities, children are taught to compete to win at younger and younger ages. Everybody is watching and usually winning is paramount. So what if the child loses? Suddenly this 6 year old, having had all these conflicting messages about
winning and good sportsmanship loses it himself, publicly. Mainly because developmentally, he's 6.
I think that there is something to be said about playing the game for the love of the game and for learning how to lose gracefully in a family or small intimate group. So I always encouraged my student's parents to play games with their children. Board games are great if only to learn how to lose, fail, or blow it, first in private, so that they could really learn with loving guidance how to be good sportsmen and the type of student who can look at failure as just a setback. Now, it's the entire community watching and so it is with blogging-only it's the entire world.

Will need loving guidence to get my video in the blog. Will be looking to my classroom family tonight as I arrive late due to back to school night.

Thursday, September 13, 2007

21st Century Teaching.

That's what I want to do!
When is everyone going to figure it out that NCLB is codependent politics.
What I'm afraid will happen is we will have to wait for the U.S. to fall so far behind,
that we'll suddenly have a Sputnik moment and try to catch up to China, India, Korea -Asia.
The only thing our culture of maveriks excels at is, innovation but you don't get that when you are only trying to get everybody
to to a proficient level that is 30 years out of date.
I am very passionate about this topic. But to confess, due to a overdue work deadline, I haven't closely read the piece.
I will post more to fill out my 500 words.

Thursday, September 6, 2007

web 2.0

I just started looking into second life. My son is starting up my Starcraft tutorial which I know is just a game but I think that this culture- gaming culture-community is part and partial to web 2.0-or at least to understanding it. This culture needed an ever enlarging community and alas
it has happened.
I'd be interested in other's thoughts on this connection.


Apparently, I have two blogs out there. One I started last January when I
first thought I would be taking 830.
If anybody is reading. I am requesting suggestions of interesting blogs to read that would give me an overview of what's out there with out getting swamped.
That time thing.

Thursday, August 30, 2007

First Class ITEC 830

I created my blog before I forgot. I want to learn more about Wiki's as I'm going to do this for my company and my 894. The RSS feed is something I need to learn as well. I didn't realize how far away I got from web 2.0 over the last semester. I charged my teenage son to teach me over the summer but we only got as far Starcraft.
Later. Need to connect to netvibes.