Sunday, December 9, 2007

Blog transfer from

I am having trouble checking up on Ilearn. I guess we are not using it as much.
I would like to view others blogs but am having trouble logging on. I think I have password and site name correct. I may have to check again with someone.

I really appreciated everyone's presentations the other week. If I could only put my stuff online- Dave's wiki had just about everything. Today I will be investivating forums and php. Tomorrow I will try to fully mockup what I plan.
I'll have to dredge up some of my minimal Flash knowledge. I hope to at least have a mock up of what I am creating.
I won't feel so bad about not having a product yet as that is what I'm doing for the pool is creating this website so I will see it realized eventually. What has been great is learning about all the possibilities with web 2.0. This is the interactive communication that the company needs. I have the surveys to prove it. Its the proprietory issue that concerns me. Will I have a lot to maintain? I have decided Moodle is not appropriate for that reason.
My other big hold up was getting the video tutorials compressed for an intranet site. Hopefully, I will be able to put it together now. I am hoping the new Imovie 08 with its codecs for compression for the web will solve my problem.

I will try to redo my Second Life Power Point into a Quicktime so I can post it on my blog. Unless anyone has a faster idea.
At the moment I think I will have to redo it in Keynote as I know it has an export to quicktime option. Maybe I should investigate ppt. more. I also heard that Google docs presentation loads nicely into Blogger. So I will have to investigate that as well. So much technology and so little time.

Posted by Toni Itec 830 at 2:48 PM 0 comments

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